Men’s Work

Let’s find healthy masculinity together

“Men suffer a lot behind the mask of manliness.”

— Vineet Aggarwal

I am passionate about men’s work. In the Summer of 2019, I participated in the Mankind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure ( and have been in an active i-group since. I highly recommend the experience.

Men’s work can involve many different realms, from examining and deconstructing societal norms of masculinity to looking at sexual shadow/trauma/addiction to building healthy relationships with other men or whatever pieces you want to bring into the work. Let’s construct what healthy masculinity means for you and then find the path to living in integrity with that concept. I strive to encourage an open container when it comes to creating your vision.

I am also very open to working with trans and gender-fluid folks. Whether that falls into the container of men’s work for you or not, I encourage you to get in touch so we can see if working with me would be a good fit.

I also occasionally offer men’s group therapy, please let me know if you are interested.